So yesterday as I was walking home I noticed a crowed of people and wondered what was happening. I then noticed that there was a truck in the ditch that carries water off the side of the road in the rainy season. Apparently a mechanic was backing the truck up and misjudged things and well fell in the ditch. I thought for sure it was over for that poor truck. But after a few moments of gawking about 25 men got underneath the truck and proceeded to push it out of the ditch. There were a few people yelling at them to direct too. I guess they exist in every culture. ;) I was amazed.
I live right behind a primary boarding school for girls. They are up at 4am and usually don't go to bed until 9pm. They are loud and whenever I climb onto the roof to hang my laundry they gather at the window and stare. I don't mind so much but I am reluctant to encourage them by acknowledging them as they should be studying and not looking at the muzungu. Other than that the kids here are interesting they are either terrified by me or feel that they can take liberties with me that they would not do with adults from their own culture. I still love them though.
Here is a rainbow I woke up to the other day. The camera cannot do it justice, it was so clear and colorful. It really made the rest of my day seem good...
Rainbows are always beautiful!